We were recently featured in the local newspaper, The Dana Point Times, to discuss our new Whale Trail Valet Tray.
Having our brand be named Headlands we often feel an obligation to give back to the local landmass from which we derive our name. It’s less of an obligation and more as a signal of gratitude. Gratitude for being there, undeveloped, allowing others to find solace on top of it and to the people who volunteer their time, money and energy into keeping it a local treasure.
Dana Point was recently added to a list of places you can consistently view whales. This list is called the “Whale Trail” and it’s mission is to inspire an “appreciation and stewardship of whales and our marine environment by establishing a network of viewing sites along the whales’ trails.” We find this effort noble and important, especially in today’s society where we find ourselves staring at pictures of nature through our iPhones instead of getting outside and experiencing it ourselves. We also find being added to the Whale Trail as validation that this place we call home truly is beautiful, magical and unique. It’s a place where the wild world of the ocean and the rest of us meet together and coexist. If you’re a surfer you get what we mean by this. You can find yourself paddling out only to be met by a curious sea lion or a playful dolphin.
I guess what we’re trying to say is we made this Valet tray, which we will donate a portion of the sales from to the Headlands Conservancy, as a way of tipping our hat to the beauty of Dana Point. It’s our way of saying thank you. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to live and create here.